You want to live a life filled with ease, sensuality and scrumptiousness and bask in the glory of your Essence. A deep knowing in your bones that in order to receive and be, you put yourself first.
7 days of practice, prompts, meditations and live calls will have you feel magnetic AF and remember how to live in joy and scrumptiousness.
We remove any interference in the way of you being in your highest Scrumptious frequency. You will anchor in the truth of WHO you are so you never forget!
Be prepared to carve out 15 minutes a day for yourself (or more to integrate)
This Experience includes:
💗 Daily teachings to work through at your own pace
💗 Pre recorded sessions, videos, meditations and somatic work to help you embody your OWN Scrumptiousness.
💗 A BONUS masterclass
💗 Other surprises!
If you want to know the EXACT details, then this is NOT for you.
This requires a level of TRUST to step into your highest form of Scrumptiousness.